TBLC Champions Education, Workforce, and a Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity for an Investment in Water Supply

AUSTIN – As the 89th meeting of the Texas Legislature gavels in today, Texas Business Leadership Council President Justin Yancy issued the following statement:

“The Texas Business Leadership Council (TBLC) looks forward to working with legislative and executive leadership to provide a united voice from employers on a number of issues that we believe Texas must continuously improve upon if we are to remain globally competitive. Chief among these matters for the TBLC are innovative solutions and investments in water supply and infrastructure.”

Yancy continued, “Texas will not continue to be the best place to do business if we don’t have sufficient water supply. With a projected budget surplus of $24B, we are presented with the opportunity to make a once-in-a-generation investment in water. It is very unlikely that our state will continue to have the historic budget surpluses we’ve seen at the start of the last two sessions, and we must act now to ensure a bright economic future for decades to come…”